Thursday 29 September 2011

My short film

Strange expression on guys face on train and informative day out

On the train yesterday some guy had a strange expression on his face which made him look like an angry person or maybe extremely constipated which gave me an idea of what expression should be on the characters of my opening sequence's face. Today I went to the southfileds learning centre in wandsworth were a instructor or teacher gave us an introduction on how to use a program called imovie which is only on the apple mac computers which is a program which allows you to edit and create movie's. latero on today I will post my mini movie on my blog and youtube so stay tuned .

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Ideas for film media studies

So far me and my group have come up with some ideas about what type of characters will be in our sequence and how they will contribute to the scene. We (I) have thought of some film titles such as the watcher, the common cold and the silent guy. These film titles alone will describe what the film may be about but can also add the feeling of curiosity the coughing man character would be good because he would look like a character the doesn't fit in in the short film sequence.